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加拿大ISEDCRSS-247 issue 1&2新旧两版标准的主要差异
RSS-247, Issue 2 will be in force as of its publication on Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s (ISED) website. However, a transition period of six (6) months following its publication will be provided, with in which compliance with RSS-247, Issue 2, or Issue 1,will be accepted. After this period, only applications for certification of equipment under RSS-247, Issue 2, will be accepted.
Listed below arethe changes:
1.New section 3.3: state the requirement for emissions that fall within restricted frequency bands to comply with the provisions in RSS-Gen, General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus;
2.Section 5.4(b): reinstated the former e.i.r.p. limit for frequency hopping systems operating in the band2400-2483.5 MHz, which employ a hopset with less than 75 channels;
章节5.4(b)设备使用信道小于75个的 e.i.r.p.限值为4W,旧标准要求是0.5W。
3.Section 6.2: add a clarification to ensure that emissions that fall within restricted frequency bands shall comply with the provisions in RSS-Gen;
4.Section 6.2: state the measurement method for power and unwanted emission limits for licence-exempt local area network devices and digital transmission systems operating in the 5 GHz band;
5.Section 6.2.1 and 6.2.2: add a provision to allow original equipment manufacturer (OEM) devices installed in road vehicles to operate in the band 5150-5250 MHz with an e.i.r.p. limit of 30 mW or 1.76 + 10 log10B, dBm, whichever is less stringent;B is the 99% emission bandwidth in megahertz.
章节6.2 允许OEM使用频段band 5150-5250 MHz和 5250-5350 MHz开发车载产品,产品须符合e.i.r.p限值30 mW 或 1.76 + 10log10B, dBm,限值取两者严格值;B 值为99%的辐射占用带宽,单位为MHz。
6.Section clarify the requirement for devices operating in the band 5150-5250 MHz, which have bandwidth that falls into the band 5250-5350 MHz;
章节6.2.1.2 进一步澄清工作频段在5150-5250 MHz设备无用辐射要求,5150-5350 MHz带外辐射限值为-27 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p.如果5250-5350 MHz内的无用辐射低于信道功率26dB占用的带宽落在此频段内,可认为其辐射为其有意辐射,并须满足5250-5350 MHz内设备的所有要求,包括DFS,TPC等要求。
7.Section (b): permit the requisite "for indoor use only" notice for equipment operating in the band5250-5350 MHz to be included in the user manual;
工作在5250-5350 MHz内的设备,章节6.2.2.2(b)后一句话”shall belabelled or include in the user manual the following text “for indoor use only.”,要求警示语“for indoor use only.”放到说明书中或设备标签上,老标准只要求张贴在设备标签上。
8.Section apply the requirement of e.i.r.p. at different elevations for equipment operating in the band5250-5350 MHz to outdoor fixed devices only;
工作在5250-5350 MHz内的设备,新增额外要求在章节6.2.2.3中,针对户外产品大e.i.r.p.超过200mW的情况,增加在不同角度的测量要求;非户外产品大e.i.r.p.超过200mW,须满足6.6.6.3 b i) 或 ii) 。
9.Section modify the unwanted emission limits for LE-LAN devices and DTS operating in the band5725-5850 MHz;
10.Annex A: delete the word "pre-installation" to clarify that the verification of e.i.r.p. compliance at different elevations for devices operating in the band 5250-5350 MHz needs to be done at the time of certification (before installation); the verification of compliance must be submitted with the test report for equipment requiring certification.
- 电 话:18576464303
- 联系人:刘小姐
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